Monday, June 9, 2008

Day 90

Indy 4: Not as good as Indy's 1-3, but pretty fun to watch in its own right. Best scene came late in the movie, when Indy, realizing impending doom says, "I've got a bad feeling about this."

Yes, I realize my judgement thus veritably screams that I'm a nerd, but if you actually understand why I think this was the best scene in the movie, you're just as much of a nerd as I am... ;P

Obligatory Jackie Chan/Jet Li Mention: I did not see Kung Fu Panda this weekend, although I do intend to at some point. I mean, it's a fat animal doing kung fu, with Jackie Chan voicing a supporting character -- what's not to like? Ooh, and Ian McShane is voicing the villain. At the risk of corrupting the children in the audience (face it -- that should be the whole audience, seeing that this was a movie made expressly for children), I hope Ian McShane's character calls the fat panda a c********r at some point in the film.

I can already hear you getting you torches and pitchforks out for my saying so...

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